Saturday, August 13, 2011

A List

Going to make a list of things that crossed my mind today.

Things that remind me of me:

A smiley face balloon forgotten and stuck to the ceiling of the cancer ward.

A quiet puppy lying on it's side.

"Beneath that milky hide, there's emptiness inside."

A man on the side of the road shaking a cup at everyone who passes by.

A long road and giant hedges and gate led to great expectations that fell when you could see all of Truett's very humble home (which I liked, I'm just making a parallel).

Solo beating the cage door with her face until she's bleeding but able to escape, just to be put back inside later.

Things that crossed my mind:

A drunk woman hitting on my dad at the Braves game in full view of her husband that reminded me all too much of Mick.

A dog begging for scraps like I beg for attention.

Oh crap I have to get on stage in the morning for Drama.

Thing I wish:

A talent scout would show up at Pocahontas and ask to see me afterwards.

That Cici will be as sweet as Solo, her mother.

That I can help Powhatan with his role.

That I can stop comparing myself to Mick.

That I could stop craving those hugs or that warm kiss on the cheek. That I could stop being lonely.

That I didn't feel so worthless around girls my age now.

Things to remember tomorrow:

You're nothing special so don't think she'll treat you like you are.

Ignore any cuddliness with Ethan.

Ignore the consistent affectionate nickname.

Don't retreat inside yourself when near Mick. She shouldn't have any control over your personality now. I know it's hard to undo the things she did to it on the inside.

Be glad she can't read this.

Songs that have triggered a major emotional conflict today and won't leave my mind:

"Forget and Not Slow Down"


"There Was No Thief"

Usually the latter.

God, help me...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Journal

I knew it was a mistake.

I've severed any sort of deeper connection I have with her now, and I can't go back.

I can't force myself to take a break when I wonder about her all the time.

I realize now that she takes a good portion of what I think about...

It was good to talk things out with her... but I know I ruined any trust she had in me.

And I doubt she really was watching my every move, because she would have known that my disconnection wasn't from being tired.

I don't know if she was trying to please me or not... I think it might've been sincere...

Why do I doubt her so much?

I guess I'm just insecure.

Am I really hurt that badly?

It's not the pain of the breakup... I assumed she was fine because she was perfectly happy breaking it off and carrying on.

I was a lot less willing...

I guess it's not a bad thing she was able to carry on normally. No matter how I felt.

And it was alright for her to break up with me. I mean... yeah, I guess I wasn't ready like she said. And I couldn't make her happy. And I kept trying so hard to please her.
And I was hyper.
And I didn't love ferrets.
And I didn't respect her space enough.
I was needy and clingy.

Everything I wasn't is everything she wants.

I really don't think I'm going to find anyone else. Unless she's a gold digger or paid or forced...

If the 'normal' girls at school are any indication, I'm not anything special. There's always the better man.

I'm glad I have friends who can put up with me. I don't understand why they all rose to my aid...

Well, Casey I understand.
Ethan says he's been through an almost identical situation before...

Nick is the one I don't get.

He rose to help me. After all I did to his sister.

I hurt her. I hurt her so often and he still came.

He doesn't know me... He should be happy I'm in pain. Serves me right.

This whole experience has really widened me up to a few things.

I'm the same as the jerks at school.
I'm just not that good of a guy.
I'm nothing special.
I don't pay enough attention to the one's I love.
I tend to be a jerk.
I joke at the worst times.
I take everything personally.
I can't be trusted.
I read too far into things.
My assumptions are wrong.
My desire to play video games is stupid.

I don't know what God thinks of me completely. I don't know how he views these things. My dad might agree to a good number.

Why do I feel that if I enjoy something or desire to do it, I am suddenly aware that it's probably not God's will for me?

I would love to voice act or act on TV or in live theater, but it can't be what God wants. I would mess it up. It would become about me. I have all these daydreams that are stupid. I would crumble in the limelight.

God, what do you want me to do?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

June something through July 27. Or so.

All these thoughts have been stirring in my head for 32 days now, if my notes counter can be trusted.

There's so much I want to say I can't.

I want to recapture the feeling. Yes, I know that's emotion.

I want to be alone with God again... at peace... loved... not lonely... not regretful... not pathetic.

She has me thinking that any burst of emotion makes me pathetic. So I apologize for it.

--- After a few days of staring at the journal page in my notes and being unable to continue ---

You know what? Days old journal is old...

I can't type what I really feel her. I know I can't. Someone would get hurt. It just bottles up inside me.

Like a shipwreck in a bottle.

Do they make those? I think I would like one.

Sorry, I'm just a wreck right now.

No. I can't type that.
No. I can't put that down either.
No. Anything in the front of my mind is the exact thing I cannot write.
No. I can't do that for reasons I know well.

What am I supposed to say?
I can't type that out...
Nor that...
You know what it is, Lord...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

June I-care. God-cares.

God... I finally love you... please forgive me for making Mick try to live up to you. She never made it.

June who-cares


You're sitting here moping and hurting and thinking your birthday is ruined when you could be getting back up, reading your bible or trying to appreciate the good in you instead of focusing on your fifth nearly-fatal mistake. You lost the center of you life and you feel hopeless and lost. You had something to cling to that made you feel happy and it's gone because it was human and you weren't ready. Tux, you're an immature, selfish brat. You're no different that all the 'idiots' you mock. You're just like all of them. You're a hypocrite.

You've been pretending to be a Christian. When you hear them sing songs of praise, you step back and wonder if they're really praising God or if this is all just a big hoax. You think they sound like brainwashed drones and you don't want to sing along because you hate your voice, you don't want to be fooled, and you've never experienced any of the things they sing about in the songs. You claimed to be saved early and complained that you didn't know what a life in sin was like, so you couldn't tell the difference. Do you like it? Are you enjoying your life in sin? Does it feel GOOD?! Are you done with lying to yourself? To everyone else?

You think Mick and momma are crazy, the way they attribute everything to Jesus. You're amazed at how often they talk about him like there's nothing else in the world, Tux, because you believe there is. You don't think everyone needs salvation. I'd like to show you hell for five minutes and see if you come back better minded.

And while I'm at it, Tux, you're disgusted with the way Emily treats Mick like a little human. You screamed in frustration when you read her last praise for him on the blog. You said he doesn't let her wipe away her years, she picks him up and forcefully rubs him against her eyes. He doesn't want to kiss her, he wants the praise that follows. He doesn't want to comfort her, he just wants affection like all animals. He might can sense emotions, but not to the extent of consoling her when she's upset. And she's usually only upset because of YOU, Tux, you ungodly little brat. You loving her so much was the REASON she left. She hung on just for your happiness, just so you wouldn't fail school, just so she wouldn't destroy you, because you had redeeming qualities, even if you can't see them. You know you have them, and you hate that, because you would rather be ground into the dirt you came from. You really don't think there's hope and you did want her leave. You don't know if this is God's plan like you always ask because you don't know God. You're weak. You're soft. You don't deserve anything. You never paid attention to her you. You're typing this out in anger, finally realizing just how split your mind is. Does it feel good? Talking to yourself and another person? Do you feel crazy yet? Carry on.

Tux... please don't let go... I'm not angry with you and I love you. You deserve grace and mercy. You're not a bad person. You are a Christian, you're not lying to yourself. The people in your life are there for a reason, to help you during times like these. You're a wonderful person, despite the flaws you can fix. Don't be mad at yourself. Don't be mad at others. I know you're angry. Don't worry. Just pray.

And since you're so hurt by it, Reid is gone now. Don't worry. The way she talked about him was a long time ago, and no matter how perfect for her he sounded, she doesn't love him now. You wanted to idolize him after hearing about it, I know. He had the good qualities you thought you didn't. He was funny and smart and cute and he always knew what to do. You considered yourself useless after that, and you weren't. Don't believe Satan's lies. Don't worry about Ethan, either. I know you thought he was the reason she broke up with you at first, but he loves someone else and God really has called her heart to missions. Especially in Japan.

DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T DON'T. That's all I heard up there. EVERY. SENTENCE. You always ignored her. You gave her nothing she needed. You went and played Portal, didn't you?. You lied and said your family wanted to spend time with you. You cheated on her with a VIDEO GAME. How pathetic is that? If I had to make a new scale for patheticness, I would put your name at the top. You've been such a failure and you're trying to pull yourself out? Big whoop. You're not going anywhere. You know how you treat your friends like this? Doesn't it feel fantastic? I feel fantastic. Isn't that that song you listen to? The Golden Age of Video too? Those songs with cuss words? Some 'Christian' you are, you jerk. You are a jerk. Just like the guys at school. What the irony.

Tux, please, try to focus on me... those are lies. You tried to give Mick what she needed, and she loves you dearly, more than you know! You just

Hey, Miss Goody-two-shoes, you messed up the ending. LOVED. She's moved on! She'll find better, don't you worry. She offered to make out with you as a friend, right? Ethan's a friend, isn't he? Bet she loves him dearly too. And Casey! He's always an encouragement and a listening ear! You weren't ever that, were you? Nope! She'd be happy! In fact, they're so close, Holli tried to commit suicide over it! Ha! You weren't going to tell anyone that, either! You always feel small and clingy and ignored? Well, they don't. And neither does your oh-so-perfect Mick! You know what's not true? Opposites don't attract, they repulse and revolt each other! Nice job being revolting, kiddo! XD A revolting little pervert. You thought she liked that? She didn't. She just wanted to hang on to

Tux! Please! Let God speak to you! Go to his Word! Don't listen!

Yeah, because a dusty old book is going to help you. Fat chance. Sure, it might make you feel a little better, but it's not going to help your relationships. I'm going to post this all over your little blog and make EVERYONE hate you. Help Me? How appropriate. You don't need help, you need a miracle.

Miracles happen! Please, Tux! Keep trying! God wants to love you! You're important! Don't leave everything behind. I love you, Tux, and so does God. You're a mess, but you're a beautiful mess. You care too much about what people think of you... please just be yourself!

Too late, woman. He'll be dead to his precious Emily Maria Jones! How exciting! I'm giddy! This is what he really wanted all along, right?

No! He loves her with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength... she is his God. If he could focus on the real God, they would be so happy together... forever...

Forever? He's going to hell now. He'll have lots of fun! Can't wait.

Tux, please...

I think I know what spiritual warfare is now.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

June 1


Always critical, that's me.

And more of myself than others. Usually.

I'd like to pose a question, God. If you don't mind.

Why can't I accept the good things about me instead of focusing on the bad?

Like, for example.

She really does love me, even if there are a million little things I'm doing wrong I could nitpick at.

I talk fast, but it adds a sort of charm. That's a bit of a stretch.

I'm sensitive, but at least I'm not Mr. Macho.

I can't sing, but I can write all right.

I have good idea sometimes, even without a way to carry them out.

I'm negative but,

Well. Right now I'm being positive, I think.

It feels pretty good.

It's weird.

But I can see how this could add seven years to my life. Mick would have me seven years longer, Lord willing.


I just realized.

That social skills aspie workbook was actually right!

That whole positive countertalk thing works.

I'm surprised.

I thought they were whackjobs.

God, help me to be more positive like this, and less self-critical. Please. Help me to keep away those gray moods that seem to overtake me.